Day 348 | The COVID Chronicles

Can you believe it? A year almost gone by. Around this time last year I was helping with a RIF due to COVID and resort closures… my day came not too long after. That led to one of the absolute coolest periods of my life. Don’t get me wrong, it has been so difficult toContinue reading “Day 348 | The COVID Chronicles”

Day 333 | The COVID Chronicles

What a crazy ride I’ve been on in the last two months! I am happy to report that I started a new job and it has been great! My son is still home learning and the hubby is back at the office full time now. I have a new garden project in the making, andContinue reading “Day 333 | The COVID Chronicles”

Day 266 | The Covid Chronicles

OMG! I can’t believe it’s already the twenty-third. It is nuts how quickly the year has gone by. These last couple of weeks have had me ‘elf’ing, gardening, and making the most of my slow days. I’m cautiously optimistic about 2021; knowing full well that the start of the year will continue to be challenging,Continue reading “Day 266 | The Covid Chronicles”

Day 88 | The Covid Chronicles

Some semblance of normalcy comes in little pockets these days. Yes, the bike rides continue, and this week there have been two more precious moments of “something else.” Tuesday, early morning, I headed to a local beach with my parents and son. We parked a few feet from the sand and enjoyed every minute ofContinue reading “Day 88 | The Covid Chronicles”

Day 51 | The Covid Chronicles

Another Monday at home in the books. My friend said it best yesterday, the days are long but the weeks go by so quickly. I can’t believe the month is almost at its end. My kiddo has a milestone birthday coming up, and he is bummed that he will be stuck at home for it.Continue reading “Day 51 | The Covid Chronicles”

Day 34 | The Covid Chronicles

Amazed at the fact that it has been this long and my son and I haven’t killed each other yet. I have to say, I have very much enjoyed hanging out with him this month. Some very much needed time for us. Today a new member of the tribe entered our stratosphere for about aContinue reading “Day 34 | The Covid Chronicles”