Day 348 | The COVID Chronicles

Can you believe it? A year almost gone by. Around this time last year I was helping with a RIF due to COVID and resort closures… my day came not too long after. That led to one of the absolute coolest periods of my life. Don’t get me wrong, it has been so difficult toContinue reading “Day 348 | The COVID Chronicles”

Day 333 | The COVID Chronicles

What a crazy ride I’ve been on in the last two months! I am happy to report that I started a new job and it has been great! My son is still home learning and the hubby is back at the office full time now. I have a new garden project in the making, andContinue reading “Day 333 | The COVID Chronicles”

Day 90 | The COVID Chronicles

Yesterday I has another little “my heart is full” moment. Just sitting in the car with the creature on our way to his tryout – quiet, nervous, excited… these moments on our car rides have always been some of my favorite. The rides are often long, usually stressful – South Florida traffic is ridiculous atContinue reading “Day 90 | The COVID Chronicles”

Day 88 | The Covid Chronicles

Some semblance of normalcy comes in little pockets these days. Yes, the bike rides continue, and this week there have been two more precious moments of “something else.” Tuesday, early morning, I headed to a local beach with my parents and son. We parked a few feet from the sand and enjoyed every minute ofContinue reading “Day 88 | The Covid Chronicles”

Day 31 | The Covid Chronicles

Today was a free day. A social distance bike ride with a friend got me out of the house for a while as well as some amazing croquetas and pastelitos… thank my lucky stars that Bella Bakery is open for take out. The creature reconnected to the matrix after school and our daily bike rideContinue reading “Day 31 | The Covid Chronicles”

Day 21 | The Covid Chronicles

Every Tuesday is my early day. Or at least it has been for three weeks now. Five AM was about the only time to get through the blundering mess that is our reemployment assistance website with multiple crashes before successfully submitting a claim. I learned that little trick the hard way, after spending almost fiveContinue reading “Day 21 | The Covid Chronicles”

Day 17 | The Covid Chronicles

Barely ten AM and I’ve gotten everything on my list done. I guess it’s time to update the list. I appreciate the slower pace of life, my often annoying twelve year old, the morning orders [requests] send without a good morning via text – you know who you are, and the ability to do somethingContinue reading “Day 17 | The Covid Chronicles”